Monday, February 8, 2010

Gods Miracle Opportunity

How many mornings do you wake up and realize that each day is a miracle. That every day you have an opportunity to shine in Gods eyes. I was reminded of that this morning when Dylan called me at 6:45am. I was laying in the bed thinking about all the reasons why I shouldn't get out of it. Dylan's voice was so full of life, excitement....opportunity! He was walking out to catch the school bus and wanted to call me not only to see what I was doing but also to specifically ask how was Kendall doing. His voice reminded me of some of the reasons why I should get out of bed..... how is Kendall doing? She has had a rough weekend. Filled with not eating or drinking anything and not having the energy to move around. She didn't run a fever or anything but was just.....tired. I was worried because she wasn't eating or drinking and I would constantly be trying to give her something. She would politely smile at me and thank you. I didn't find any new hobbies or interests, I just calmly sat in the living room listening out for her to call me. I started reading a couple of different books, but Tammy knows I never finish them, I just start them. Kendall did start to stir around a little bit on Sunday and began to eat a little....and it was very little.

Kendall had a doctors appointment this morning for labwork. Her energy level was better than Sunday and she was eating more and even drinking more. She is at day 6 of treatment and I didn't think she would need blood by the way she was feeling, but she is at day 6 which is usually time for a blood transfusion. But I was right, she didn't need any. Her white blood count was at 0.1, which is really low this early but Kendall was in good spirits. She even started wearing her mask without me even having to remind her. I'm beginning to think that she don't need me anymore because she's been through so much it's almost like routine to her. Kendall doesn't have to go back until Wednesday and I'm sure she will have to have blood and/or platelets by then.

I know some mornings when I get up it's like routine to me. I go through the motions day after day without taking time to do what's really important. To take the time to thank God for the opportunity. The opportunity to cry...and to love. I've often talked about things that refer to Gods plan for the future and how it will turn out...His way. But tonight I want to take the time....the opportunity to thank him for the things in my life today. For the opportunity to live each day pleasing God. I know that some days I probably don't please God as much as other days. But I thank him for the opportunity.

Colossians 4:5-6
Make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.


  1. Team Kendall,

    Hang in there. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I pray for a full recovery and strength to face each day. As I have been reminded of a lot lately, God is in control and he WILL take care of you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart.

    Kim Mulford

  2. Hey Daryl,
    I am praying for you and Kendall. I talked to your Mom this am. She is really looking forward to AEA w/ Dylan. I was thinking so much about you yesterday and last night. I wish I could have come over to see you guys when Kendall was home, but I was sick. I'll gladly stay away when I am sick.

    Tell Kendall I say hey and I have heard about her hair coming back in. I bet she's cute with really short hair. (ah.. cute always, anyways)...

    Hang in there. Happy Valentines Week. I know Chase wishes he was out there, and Tammy wishes you were home... but all in good time.

    Love yall bunches and bunches even though I don't get to tell you or see you guys all the time. Yall mean so much to me.
    Love Aunt Donna

  3. TK, I was working and looked at my daily inspirational calendar and this caught my eye: "God is too kind to do anything cruel. Too wise to make a mistake. Too deep to explain himself" (pg. 135 of Growing Strong in the Seasons of Life)
    Stay strong! I sent your blog to a lady I work with her daughter-in-laws brother was just diagnosed with lukemia he is 18 & just got in Childrens, they are from around Clanton; but Kendall has all ready been an inspiration to him keep him in your prayers his name is Andy Mims.
    Love & Prayers
    Karen Jones

  4. Good Morning TK,

    Really, really missing the posts, but keeping up with the news through Tammy.

    Hoping this morning finds you fever-free and well-rested.

    Today's quote..."There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul." - Ella Wilcox

    Prayers today for determination. Lord, Kendall and her family are on the downhill slope of treatment. Please help them continue to be strong and persevere. Give them patience and trust. Almighty Father, replace any doubt or anxiety with your blessings and keep them on the path to wellness. We know that with you all things are possible and for this I am truly and joyously grateful. Thank you.

    Looking forward to the next trip home...See you soon

    Lifting you up,
    Randy, Tina and Nicolette
