Monday, November 30, 2009

A Better Day

Today was an amazing show of strength by Kendall as she continued that good feeling towards the journey's end. Kendall went from not having strength enough to walk or hold her head up to defying to get in the wheelchair and proudly displaying her smile no matter where we went today.

We started off by a doctors visit for blood work. Her levels were better with the help of all the blood she received the day before. And being the Monday after the holiday, it was very crowded. We spent 4 hours there today. After that, Kendall wanted to go to Hobby Lobby to look around. So off we went. She looked at scrap booking stuff while I shopped for a Christmas tree. I told her we might as well put a tree up to enjoy while we're here. It's only a 3 foot table top tree but it has lights and Kendall found us some ornaments to paint and put together for it. It should make for a nice little addition to the apartment. Tammy and I put up our Christmas tree at the house after Thanksgiving and her and Dylan put on the ornaments last night.

We went back to the apartment after our Hobby Lobby trip and decided to take a nap. Kendall did anyway. She was beginning to look a little tired and besides, I don't want her to use all that blood at once. She needs to save a little to spread out over the next couple of days. Other than that, we spent the rest of the night inside watching tv or movies.

We have to go back to the doctor again in the morning to check her blood. Then we should get a break until Thursday. She sure was ready to start the day today after she got up.

Isaiah 40:31
but those who hope in the LORD
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.


  1. Happy Tuesday TK,

    Glad to hear you have a tree to remind you of all the festivities of this wonderful season. May it catapult your spirits to new heights.

    Today's quote..."God has placed in each soul an apostle to lead us upon the illuminated path. Yet many seek life from without, unaware of that which is within them." - Audrey Hepburn

    Prayers today for recognizing inner strength and exactly where it comes from; for expressing thanks and gratitude at every juncture; and for looking at the good in every situation. Keep us, Lord, under your protection and always looking toward you and following your will. Praises for Kendall's energy, Daryl's vigilance, Tammy's strength and this family's blessed example.

    Lifting you up,
    Randy, Tina and Nicolette

  2. Love to hear that the SMILE is back. Maybe you can put a picture of the tree on here - would love to see it.

    Praying that everything goes well over the coming days and y'all are back in G'dale really soon. Love to all, Anne & Chuck Belcher

  3. Happy Drizzily Hump-day TK,

    Hoping the two of you are nestled cozy in your beds, with happy dreams swimming through your brains.

    Today's quote..."No smile is more beautiful than the one that struggles through tears." - Unknown

    Kendall's smile. It's a theme. And it makes people happy. Happy to see it, happy to hear about it, happy to experience the glow it produces. Kendall - it's one of your purposes. A special gift that you can give away freely without costing you anything, with no strings, only love.

    Prayers today in thanks for all God has given to us. For sunshine and rain, for happiness and tears, for challenges, for wins, for our families and friends. Thank you. All praise, honor and glory are yours. Keep us steadfast Lord, keep our eyes always heavenward.

    Lifting you up,
    Randy, Tina and Nicolette
