Sunday, October 11, 2009

Let Me Carry It

JOB 32:8
But it is the spirit in a man,
the breath of the Almighty, that gives him understanding.

Understanding that Kendall's chemotherapy went well today. Understanding that we miss our family and friends. Understanding that God's breath gives us life. Not understanding why Kendall should have to bear the pain. Give it to me...I'm ready to receive.


  1. Sometimes God's plan is hard to understand. Just continue to trust in Him and lean on the ones who love all of you so much. We continue to pray for you all.
    Love, Sissy

  2. Good Morning Houston! I hope you have woke up ready to seize the day AND I hope it is a gread day for both of you. I know what you mean about taking the pain away. As parents it is what we want, it's so hard to see your child in pain and struggling I don't care how old they are or what they are going thru I would rather be the one going thru it...... So stay strong and know that everyone back here is praying and fighting for Kendall as much as they can do, we miss you and so look forward to seeing you again soon! Love. Sheri

  3. Understand that even though you can't see us - we are here praying for you. Understand that GOD has a plan, and even though we don't understand it, HE is working miracles that will become known to us.

    Will pray that things continue to go well and that the time will fly for you until ya'll are back home. We love you lots, Anne & Chuck Belcher

  4. Good Evening TK,

    Hope all is well this evening and that your day was spent resting, relaxing and replenishing your strength.

    Understanding...I looked up some quotes for this and was quite disappointed. They were all about lovey-mushy stuff. Understanding does not mean acceptance, nor does it mean non-questioning. It does not mean ignorance. Be assured if you walk with Him and look to Him and expect help from Him, He will never fail you.

    Today's quote..."Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck. Illness, injury, love, lost moments of true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of our souls. Without these tests, if they be events, illnesses, or relationships, life would be like a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere."

    Prayers today for understanding - for understanding as best we can the plan and pathway chosen for us. And if understanding escapes us, grant the faith, trust and acceptance necessary to complete the mision. Lord, please guide us through and shine your almighty glory on us.

    Lifting you up
    Randy, Tina and Nicolette

  5. Happy Tuesday TK,

    Prayers today in thanksgiving - for relishing the success so far. Successes both because of hard work, strength, determination and commitment, and those also furnished to us from above, acknowledging that a big portion of what we accomplish is freely given to us. Thank you Lord.

    Waiting patiently to hear what's happening in Houston and hoping you are able to truly rest in between the hectic medical scheduling.

    Today's quote..."A million little things drop into your hands, the small opportunities each day brings - He leaves us free to use or abuse." - Helen Keller

    Keep on plugging you guys...

    Lifting you up
    Randy, Tina and Nicolette
