Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Let's Make It Manageable

Having a child become sick is hard for any parent. How much time and attention we take to make sure everything is alright for them and that they have everything they need. We make them comfortable to try and help ease the pain that they are having to endure. Today was one of those days. Kendall didn't feel well today. She has not felt well all day. It started early this morning at the doctors office. I really saw it this morning when she woke up. As beautiful as her eyes are...they were sad today. She could tell a story with those eyes. I tried to do what I could to help her but there really wasn't anything more I could do than to be there for her if she needed me. Even the doctors and nurses were commenting to me about how they hoped that Kendall would start feeling better. Kendall is usually the life of the party around the hospital. They always talk about how much she smiles. Her smile was worn down today as the chemotherapy has taken its toll on her. Her blood levels were really low, low enough that she started wearing the mask again. They dropped really low, really fast this time. And she has been feeling the effects the last few days.

Tomorrow, Kendall has an off day. No appointments, nothing to do and no where to go. I rented some movies so we could watch them as I feel that she won't be far from the couch. I figured that she would be in the bed most of the day, but no...she was in the living room talking to me when she could. A day of rest tomorrow will hopefully help her feel better. She still is not eating very much but is making an effort to eat a little.

The doctor said that if her levels are doing ok that it would be ok for us to make another trip home possibly on the 29th. That would be a good day because it's mine and Tammy's anniversary. It will be good to see Tammy then since I'm going to miss her birthday this month. I'm excited about the neighborhood Halloween party. It sounds like it is shaping up to be quite a gathering.

I know Kendall has had a lot of good days during her journey and we knew that there would possibly be some days that were going to be hard. Taking them one day at a time hopefully will make them be a little more manageable. Even on the hard days I know that God is watching over her and will make sure that she has the strength to get through the day. While Kendall may change from day to day, I realize that the one thing that will remain with us on everyday...that will treat us the same each day...that will always be here for God.

Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.



  1. Good morning TK.

    Hoping, at this time of the morning, you guys are snoozing away, oblivious to the world around you and having magical dreams.

    I posted this yesterday afternoon somewhere in blog land, but who knows where. Out there in the cyber world there is a TK message floating and hopefully landing on someone who needs it.

    This prayer came to me in a sort of spam message. It is what I've been praying, though much more eloquently put. Passing it on and praying it will touch you as it did me.

    Saint Theresa's Prayer
    May today there be peace within.
    May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
    May you not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
    May you use those gifts that you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
    May you be content knowing you are a child of God.
    Let this presence settle into your bones, and allow your soul the freedom to sing,
    Dance, praise and love.
    It is there for each and every one of us. Amen.

    Lifting you up,
    Randy, Tina and Nicolette

    PS. Today's quote..."Friendship is like peeing on yourself; everyone can see it, but only you get the warm feeling it brings."

    Luv u guys!

  2. Hey Daryl & TK,
    I have been reading the blog, but not posting the last few days. I can't possibly know or understand how hard this has been - but I do know the One who knows - JESUS. He loves us all so much and will continue to give each of you the strength you need each and every day.

    We are well here. It will be good if you guys can come home for Halloween. Hopefully by then, the dang rain in Bham will have stopped.

    We all feel like we're drowning here - so sick of the rain. But God knows what we need. I just wish he'd give us a little sunshine soon --- no make that alot of sunshine soon.

    Hopefully this weekend will be good Football for everyone. Kendall - I am praying that you will feel better. Try to eat chocolate. It always makes me feel better. Also, if you can bring yourself to shop online - that makes me feel good too. - Its just that I have to unshop as quickly as I shop. (ha!).

    Well gotta run to get busy at work - I am thinking about you guys. Love Aunt Donna

  3. My prayer today is that Kendall's smile finds its way back to that beautiful face. I pray also that she is filled with energy and that she feels God's strength flow through her. Will also pray that her appetite increases.

    Kendall you continue to amaze us, even when you might not think so. There are so many lifting you up and loving you from afar. Enjoy your movie day.

    Lots of love, Chuck & Anne Belcher

  4. KLT - I pray that you will feel better and get your energy back, don't give into it just fight and do what you need to and get that smile and strength back. I know it sounds easy to say, I know what a struggle it is, but I know you have it in you, let it come out so you can win over this bad time you are having right now. I am fighting along with you, stay strong. Love. Sheri

  5. I know that there would be probably be a few days that Kendall would feel wiped out, but God will not throw at her anymore than she can handle. I'm glad she has a day off so that she can catch up on some rest. Daryl, you are amazing in your strength through this journey. The entire TK loves and prays everyday for Kendall's speedy recovery and that your loving family can all be back together!!! Kendall, I love you, girl, and you take it easy, and when you get more strength up, I am sure that Daryl is waiting to get you working out! lol (Daryl, that was quite a funny story about you going to work out and then coming straight in and headed for the Little Debbie Cakes! hahahaha Take care you all, and know that I love each and every one of you -- And I'll continue to pray for you all! GOD BLESS!!!
