Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Carpe diem

This morning was filled with great expectations as Kendall is going to get to come back to the apartment today. I know she is getting tired of hospital visits. I made the early morning visit as usual to find Tammy and Kendall ready and waiting on the doctor to come in to tell us that we can go. The great expectation was no more. They wanted to keep Kendall one more night and continue antibiotics. Even though Kendall's fever was gone, she is still at risk and they need to monitor her. This is not what we wanted to hear. Kendall didn't say a word. She just sat in the bed with that Kendall Thomas look. You know, the face that she would give Coach Myrick during a softball game when things wouldn't go her way. That same look she would give her mother when she yelled at her from the bleachers. That same look she would give me when she got hurt. And this one hurt. Kendall wants to go home! I know it and I want to take her there so much. As soon as the doctors left, she began to cry. And of course me and Tammy right there with her. I sat on the bed and held her as we tried to talk it out. Why can't we go home? How long are we going to have to be here? Only God knows the answers to these questions. But at some point, I have to look more towards a multiple choice type of answer and say pick the best one out of three, but yet all three could be right. And then there's the "none of the above" answer in there for good measure. It's hard not knowing how to answer these questions, knowing that I should turn to God for it. I do. But it's so hard to do when it is staring you in the face...

...I then talked with Kendall about understanding that we could be staying in Houston for several months. We have not really talked about it since all of this has started. I told her that we needed to prepare ourselves to stay longer should she have any more complications with the treatment. We don't know how her body is going to react to the treatment. Everything can change here on a moments notice. I didn't want to discourage her, because I don't want to be here any longer than we have to, but I do want her to completely understand that just a simple fever can turn her entire treatment program upside down. I think all of us realized more than ever that no matter how long the road is, we are ready to travel it.

We had a visit today from my parents. They were in New Orleans on a scheduled vacation trip and decided to drop in on us. A 6 hour drop bye visit. I love my parents! They went to lunch with Tammy while me and Kendall stayed in the room and colored pictures.. They visited a little longer and then they took all of us out to dinner. We ate at the MD Anderson cafeteria and Kendall was able to go with us, mask and all. We had to check her out of the room but she needed to exercises anyway. Kendall hates so much that she missed out on AUM's softball bootcamp with Coach Chris. Coach, I'm going to keep her in shape so she can make that one up. After we ate, we said goodbye to Tammy and my parents as they made their way to the apartment to spend the night. Me and Kendall went back to the room and got ready to go to bed.

As much as I want tomorrow to be here to take Kendall "home", I read this and am once again reminded of my priority.

Matthew 6:33-34
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.


  1. hey guys!first of all i miss and love every one of you guys!! and of course like everyone else it usually makes me a little sad when i read this everysingle day... but today i could not help but burst into a hardcore laugh when you referred to that face she would give myrick!!! i pictured it perfectly and it made me smile :) but i wish you the best and i know you are all strong enough to take care of this! i have faith in you guys!

  2. sorry.. that was me.. tyler.. i didnt realize that my mom was signed in :)

  3. Hey Kendall

    Sorry you have to stay in the hospital. But stay strong pull from all that athletic traning you have and look at as just one more work out to get better. Please keep a good outlook I so believe it will help in the long run.I do think that is what help B.J. he was most days not all as you want be but most in good spirits.


  4. Hey Kendall,
    Girl, I know that it gets annoying having to go back and forth to the hospital, but this all shall pass, and it's only to keep the germs away so the therapy will go as planned. Trust me, I know you are ready to go back to the apartment, and hopefully today will bring better news so you can go. I Love Ya Tons, and I know that with all the support from family and friends and (yeah, the docs), you got this thing licked! JUST keep being the strong Kendall that we all know and love! LOVE YA! Traci

  5. I know how frustraing it is when things don't happen on OUR time - I know it's hard to give it all to GOD and say "Help me understand why" - just remember HE is in control of this situation and the time table it runs on - remember HE loves you so very much and is working HIS miracle according to HIS plan. These are the things I pray for you today: patience, peace, comfort and for that wonderful smile to take up permanent residence on that beautiful face. Along with complete healing of course. We love you, Anne & Chuck Belcher

  6. hey ken! im glad you got to come home today i really dont know why i comment the stuff i do on here cause i kno i just tell you the same stuff during the day because we never stop texting. but i hope and pray that God is slowly but surely building your health back to normal as it was this time last year and i kno it will because i know how strong you are! i love you very much and think about you all through the day :)

    love chase

  7. Hey babe,
    It is so great you were released from the hospital and able to enjoy life at the apartment. Please continue to take care of yourself, plenty of rest, eat good and drink plenty of water. I know these are simple task and it will help in you healing process. I will be booking our tickets tomorrow for our visit next week. We both can not wait to see you! May the days pass fast and you and your Dad feel good. May God continue to bless you, heal you, revive you and feel you with His love. Remember every day take a moment and be still to feel His presence. He is almighty and will answer our prayers. Until tomorrow, we love you and miss you more than you will ever know.
    Kisses and hugs
    Daddy and Deb
