Saturday, August 15, 2009

Day's are growing longer

I'm sorry it's so late tonight. I just had so much to get done. ....

......This morning was about the same as yesterday. I came in the hospital to Kendall sleeping and Tammy in the chair. Tammy said it was another long night and they didn't get much sleep. I sat their and stared at Kendall as me and Tammy quietly talked about all that's going on. I had to take my test today on being able to perform Infusion Therapy on Kendall. I passed! Kendall looked real nervous but I knew I could do it. So the nurse then gave me a package that contained about an 8 week supply of medical "stuff" to keep Kendall performing at top speed. Kendall looked really tired but she said it was only because they wouldn't let her sleep last night. They did the chemotherapy late again last night. Other than being sleepy, Kendall was feeling really good. ...

.....The doctor came in about 10:00am and told us that they were also going to give her chemotherapy through a spinal tap. They wanted to attack the Leukemia really hard. So Kendall is now getting chemo in the morning and at night. The doctor did tell Kendall that she liked coming in her room because she was always smiling. All the blood work so far is going according to schedule. Monday looks better by each day. Kendall also received some blood today and still an awful lot of pills.

Chuck stayed at the hotel with me last night and was able to visit with Kendall some before I had to take him to the airport. Chuck, we really want to thank you for bringing our car out here. So while Chuck was here, I got him to help me move into our apartment. I felt bad because by the time I finished the paperwork he had already taken all the heavy bags up to the room. Thanks again! I also wanted to give out our address. Some of the family and friends wanted to send Kendall some stuff so here it is:

2255 Braeswood Park Drive, # 2325
Houston, Texas 77030

You can address it to anyone of us and it will be fine.

So there wasn't much that went on today, it was just a long day for me. But Kendall doing as well as she is, I'd take it any day. I have been trying to add some more pictures and forgot how I did them last night. Hope to have them up before to long.


  1. Good Morning Team Kendall,

    I'm up early to see what's happening in Houston. I prayed last night for Kendall to have as good a day yesterday as she did on Thursday. Thank you God for another blessing!!!! I read today's entry with tears, but they were joyful. While I remember 1st hand what tired can do to you (remember the insomniac child), but to be able to say "Other than being sleepy, Kendall was feeling really good" is a MIRACLE.

    Thought for the day....

    "Its not the size of the dog in the fight, its the size of the fight in the dog." - Paul W. Bryant

    Whether or not you guys feel it or believe it, you're heroes to everyone you know, everyone following this blog, everyone who has heard of this journey.

    I pray today that The Amighty wraps his arms of protection around you and yours; that the drs and nurses are blessed with knowledge and compassion to guide you through; that whatever you need is provided before you need it; that you are comforted and rested so that you can carry on; and that your faith will continue to change and influence the rest of us.

    Lifing you up...

    Tina, Randy and Nicolette

  2. Granny Lyn and Pawpaw EdAugust 15, 2009 at 8:11 AM

    Good morning "Houston" Team Kendall! Just wanted you to know we are thinking of all of you, and love and miss you so very much. We pray that you Kendall will continue to have the strength and "go get 'em" attitude to fight and win over this disease. We pray too for Daryl and Tammy to have the strength, knowledge and fortitude to be the support you need, especially now, even more so than ever before. Just know that there are lots and lots of prayer warriors here at home on the "Alabama" Team Kendall who love you. And thanks for the address Daryl - I'm sure you all will be receiving more mail than anyone who has ever stayed at that apartment in the past!
    Sending you all lots of hugs and kisses,
    Granny and Pawpaw

  3. Good Morning Kendall, Tammy & Daryl
    Glad things continue to go good - we knew they would. Praying you will have another good day and that your smile stays put. Can't wait to see the new pics. Much love, Anne & Chuck Belcher

  4. Good morning Team Kendall! It was exciting to hear that you had another good day. Many prayers are being sent up every minute of each day for you all. As you know our God is an awsome God and I pray he will lift each one of you up and you continue on this journey.I learned that through my many journeys with God (30 surgeries in 24 years). That he always has a lesson to teach me. It has taken a while for God to get this through my thick skull !!! But now when I approach another journey as I did in March 2009, I now ask God what lesson am I going to learn out of this..Tammy , Daryl and Kendall i pray that God will take you in his arms and keep you there during this entire Journey. My prayers, thoughts and love is with each one of you! Love, Debbie Gohn

  5. Hey Daryl!!!!
    I've been following your blog and trying to stay updated as I bet I can. I hope everything is going smoothly. tell Kendall I said hello and we're praying and rooting for her!! I was wondering if you needed anything done back here? Like I told ya earlier, don't hesitate to let me know if there is something that needs to be done. I'll gladly do it. Anyway, I bought a Team Kendall wrist band and am currently wearing it! Gotta go, just got a call!!!!

  6. Hello from Harvest, Alabama!
    This is from Lanny, Ieleen, Isaac, and Collier DeVaney. We have had you in our prayers thanks to the email from Sam. I am glad you are taking the time to blog so that we can keep up. Just know you have people everywhere thinking of you! Love, The DeVaneys

  7. hey kendall its your brother I love you so much and i miss you well i decided ill come see you friday instead of going to the football game

  8. Praying so hard for all of you. Rick & I are also the proud owners of Team Kendall bracelets! Daryl, I'm not sure what arrangements have been made with Dylan, but Brady & Jordan would love for him to come back out to the house one weekend if he wants to. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help! God Bless
    ♥ Shana & Rick Smith

  9. Hey all!! I am glad things are going as well as they are. Just wanted to let you know there are a lot of folks that you don't know praying for you, I have added you to our email prayer chain at church. Yesterday while I was in the store, I had someone from church stop and ask how you were. love you all!!! Wanda

  10. Hi, Team Kendall! I tried to post to your blog yesterday, Daryl, from work, but apparently there's some type of security at work that will let me read your blog, but not post to it. Anyway... I wanted to tell you what a hero you are, way above and beyond your everyday job type hero status! Yesterday you made me cry for the first time since I started reading about Kendall's journey. I don't know if it was tears of thankfulness that she's doing well so far through everything or if it was tears from blessing God for you being in Kendall's, Whitney's, Bragan's, Dylan's and Tammy's lives. As I said... you're a hero.

    Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that the prayer warrior network is expanding. When I walk through the halls at work, people now smile, stop and ask "How's Kendall?" She is making an impact on a lot of people. Thank you for keeping us up-to-date with your blog, so I can answer everyone when I'm asked about her.

    BTW, I am now the proud wearer of a purple Team Kendall bracelet thanks to Granny Lyn. I hope to be able to hand out a few of these myself when the next batch comes in. Take care of yourselves, Tammy and Daryl... this is harder in some ways on you than it is on Kendall and she has so many people taking care of her. So remember to take care of yourselves, too, so you can take care of her.

    Susan Harper

  11. Hey to all! Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you all. I pray for all of you I don't know how many times a day, but it's a lot. I find myself sitting in my office or at home, in a daze, wondering how I can make a difference in all of this and I have realized that it is in God's Hands and there is nothing I can do except pray for you. He has a plan for all of us, and it's about how we make those "journeys" He puts us on that make us who we are. All of you stay safe there in Houston and you just know that Team Kendall out of Knoxville is behind you all the way. I love all of you and I will talk to you soon. Daryl, please give Kendall a big hug for Uncle David. I love you Brother!

  12. Hi Daryl,
    I just wanted you to know that we are keeping your family in our constant prayers. You are on our prayer list at church and we think of you often at home also.
    Cindy Johnson
    (from Colonial Bank)

  13. Tammy, Daryl and Kendall
    God has put us in some rough roads with our family and I think this is the roughes ever. God will only gives what we can handle and no more. We have made through other things and we will make it through this. Keep trusting God and believe. Give Kendall a hug and kiss from me and BJ. I am here when you need me. Love ya bunches!!!!!! MiChele, Billy and BJ
